Film Fixed Resistor
NSN: 5905-01-386-5835
Part Numbers: M8340107K3901GG, MIL-PRF-83401/7, MIL-R-83401/7
Condition: New. May not be in original packaging.
Temperature Coefficient Of Resistance In Ppm Per Deg Celsius: -100.0/+100.0
Electrical Resistance: 3.900 kilohms
Resistance Tolerance In Percent: -2.000/+2.000
Ambient Temperature In Deg Celsius At Full Rated Power: 70.0
Ambient Temperature In Deg Celsius At Zero Percent Rated Power: 125.0
Temperature Range Of Temperature Coefficient In Deg Celsius: -55.0/+125.0
Inclosure Method: Encapsulated
Terminal Quantity: 6
Terminal Type: Pin
Reliability Indicator: Not established
Terminal Length: Between 0.125 inches and 0.150 inches
Body Length: Between 0.568 inches and 0.598 inches
Body Width: Between 0.050 inches and 0.103 inches
Body Height: Between 0.177 inches and 0.195 inches
Schematic Diagram Designator: Isolated array
Power Dissipation Rating In Watts: 0.360 total network
Identical Value Resistor Quantity: 3 each resistor